


Science, like life itself, is constantly advancing, always changing, always finding new explanations and models. Even in the Middle Ages, when we could think that science was at a standstill due to the dominance of the Church and faith over reason, anyway, various thinkers, even in Europe, continued to study and try to understand nature. The classical texts of the Greeks were never completely forgotten, they were always studied and jealously treasured by those who understood their value.
But in science there are moments when changes occur in a dizzying way, or when a way of thinking is questioned by new observations or by new ways of understanding reality. It is when we speak of a scientific revolution, like the one that occurred in the Renaissance, when the Earth stopped being the center of the universe and we realized that we live in a solar system, with the Sun at the center of it. What today we call the Copernican revolution. And that it did not come alone, but it came with many other discoveries and paradigm changes that also impacted on the very concept of man, of a change from faith to reason. Finally, all these new concepts and philosophies had an impact on culture, society and economic models, that is, a great social change took place.
We are currently living a similar era, we are entering the "New Age" cultural, philosophical and social movement. This paradigm shift is accompanied by a scientific-technological revolution that we may well call the quantum revolution. The strange world of quantum physics shows us a world governed by indeterminacy, where thought influences reality (double slit experiment), where everything can be interconnected (quantum entanglement) and finally, where thought seems to be the substrate of reality.
Within this context, in 1988 the illustrious Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán discovered the biomagnetic pair, and based on this bioenergetic phenomenon he developed his technique known today as the biomagnetic pair. Just as Galileo Galilei suffered persecution from the Church in the Renaissance, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán has had to overcome the resistance against his discovery.
In other times visionaries were branded as heretics, burned at the bonfire or at least imprisoned, as in the case of Galileo Galilei. "...and yet it moves." sentenced the eminent scientist with respect to the terrestrial movement. And indeed, in the end, the truth triumphs over the petty interests of the holders of power. History, completing a complete cycle, has returned to times of paradigm shift. The characters have changed their names: now the hegemony of power is called large corporations, economic interests, profitability. Science, in the hands of those in power, has created a co-opted truth that defines official medical guidelines. Laboratory studies (paid for by themselves) are the only ones capable of creating “scientific truth”; and everything that departs from it must be labeled heresy, excuse me: charlatanism. Health practices not authorized by "official science" are to be punished as criminal acts. In this way fear and coercion prevail.
With the phrase "El tiempo nos dará la razón" (Time will prove us right) Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán has continued to cure, in a "discreet" way, thousands of patients using the biomagnetic pair. Fortunately, in that spiral of history, the nuances have changed, because in other times Dr. Goiz would have gone straight to the bunfire. Today, thanks to the tireless work of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, the biomagnetic pair has continued its development, and is practiced by thousands of professional therapists and doctors around the world; It is even taught in several universities in different countries such as the Autonomous University of Chapingo (Mexico), the Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico), the University of Loja (Ecuador), and the Royal University Center “Escorial-María Cristina” (Spain), among others.
Today three decades later, we can affirm, without fear of being wrong, that the biomagnetic pair is the medicine of the future. Bioenergetics, the advanced level of medical biomagnetism, puts us in front of phenomena that astonished Dr. Goiz himself, and that we cannot understand unless they are analyzed under the new concepts of quantum mechanics, or the teachings of the ancestral wisdom. Testing through mental intention or distance healing, discovered by Dr. Goiz in 1995, inexorably leads us towards the new paradigm. Far has been the "mechanistic" model of medicine, where only the isolated components of the machine are studied: the liver, kidney, brain and we think that just by composing or extracting the damaged part we will recover health. We are facing a holistic medicine, where man is an integral being, working as a body-emotions-mind unit. In this new model, energy and thought are the planes from where the healing processes are carried out and the physical plane becomes the densest component that obeys the previous ones.
In the new era of telecommunications and distance learning, the Online Biomagnetism Course is an indispensable element to continue spreading the legacy of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán. With this course, we hope to provide a complete, trustworthy tool at the height of medical biomagnetism, which will be useful for anyone who wishes to enter the practice of medical biomagnetism or deepen it. We hope that this course will become a reference within current or future courses on the subject, just as the Biomagnetism Guide has earned a place among biomagnetic therapists. In this way, we contribute our grain of sand to the advancement of science and knowledge.


Getting into biomagnetism

I was interested in biomagnetism for several decades, when I was able to directly verify its effectiveness, witnessing how the method recently developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán cured two close relatives. This is how I enrolled in one of the first courses that Dr. Goiz dictated in Polanco, Mexico City, in 1999. In that course we only attended 16 people with various studies such as nursing, medicine, chemistry-pharmaceuticals, etc. . I enrolled in the course because of my longstanding interest in alternative therapies, although professionally I was dedicated to graphic design and print media, working for various clients and companies.
During the following years I practiced biomagnetism in a very discreet way, consulting friends, family, close people. And to keep up to date, I attended the courses that Dr. Goiz continued to teach, at least once a year. At that time, Dr. Goiz accepted as listeners those who had already taken a course previously. About fifty chairs were placed in a large room in the building located near the Insurgentes roundabout (Mexico City), which were quickly occupied by students from various cities, even from foreign, to learn the new technique of healing with magnets. For me it was very enriching to be able to attend these seminars because Dr. Goiz did not always give the same explanations about the pairs, that allowed me to obtain more extensive and detailed information on medical biomagnetism.
5 years ago I was called to give a conference on biomagnetism at an institute, at the last minute the speaker reported sick and could not introduce himself. I immediately put on a coat, took the car and went to the institute because it was almost time for the conference. Upon arrival there were already more than a dozen people waiting. With just a marker and a blackboard I began to explain the principles and history of biomagnetism. The attendees were very satisfied with my impromptu presentation and asked me to teach them the biomagnetism course. At first I doubted it, since it was not in my plans to give courses on the subject. But after reflecting for a few moments I realized that things did not happen by chance and it was destiny that was marking my life. This is how I spent the whole night reviewing my notes to start the course in a couple of days. I used traditional PowerPoint to create about three presentations on the topics of the course.
After successfully completing the course and reviewing all the material that I had gathered, I got the idea of ​​creating a web page where I would expose all the information I had on the subject. In fact, already before, around the year 2000, I had created the first web page that had information on 200 pairs, approximately, that Dr. Goiz had identified at that time. The page also had some illustrations, with the location of the points, which I had personally drawn by hand.
Since my profession is graphic design, it did not take me a lot of work to create a new web page with the updated information, this is how the Biomagnetic Guide was born. From the beginning the Guide was widely accepted by network users. They immediately began to request a version that could be downloaded and used without the need for an internet connection. To satisfy this need, the Offline Guide was created, which can currently be installed on Windows, Android or Mac systems.
Over time, the guide has had to be updated, in terms of design, functions and content. Other functions have been added to it, such as the patient registry, the world directory or a search engine (only in Online version). Now, it not only shows the pairs discovered by Dr. Goiz, but also includes many other pairs discovered by other therapists, the difficult thing is to define which pairs should be included and which ones should not, which requires research on various pages, videos and books. It is important to preserve Medical Biomagnetism in its original form, as conceived by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, but at the same time update it with the new knowledge that other therapists in different countries are discovering. As expressed by Dr. Salvador Gutierrez Rodríguez de Mondero:
“But I really believe that either we continue investigating the Par or it will disappear with the teacher. Of course, the legacy left by Dr. Goiz is very, very important, but we cannot consider his teachings as "Dogmas of Faith" simply because they are not and because they do not exist in Science. "
Now, the need arises to create this biomagnetism course since most of the users of the Guide have not taken a face-to-face seminar and request an online course. Some are lucky enough to be able to attend a course by Dr. Goiz Durán or his son Isaac Goiz Martinez; however, the vast majority cannot attend due to geographic, agenda, monetary or all-together circumstances. This is how, through this course, we seek to offer the most appropriate teaching aids so that anyone, anywhere in the world, can learn medical biomagnetism. The means that we will use will be online texts, videos, PowerPoint presentations and weekly consultancies during the duration of the course. In this way, the student will meet the theoretical-practical requirements for the practice of medical biomagnetism at its first level.


Marco Antonio Márquez Rosique,
Editor, Biomagnetic Guide