
German New Medicine


Unit IV Lesson 4

A personal experience is what led Dr. Rike Geerd Hamer to investigate the relationship between traumatic experiences on a psychological level and the development of diseases, particularly cancer. In 1978, Dr. Hamer's son Dirk was shot while sleeping on the deck of a ship. A few days later he passed away in a hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. Shortly after, Dr. Hamer began to develop testicular cancer, while his wife also began to suffer from a series of cancerous diseases, until in 1985 she died as a result of a heart attack.
In those years, Dr. Hamer was chief internist at the oncology unit of the University of Munich. His hypothesis was that there must be a relationship between the development of cancer – in his case of the testicle – and a trauma or emotional crisis – in his case, the loss of his son. His position at the hospital allowed him access to information on hundreds of patients. So he started a study on the relationship between emotional stress and cancer. His research led him to discover the Hamer Focus and to develop German New Medicine, which is also known as Hamer Therapy.
In the hundreds of cases that Dr. Hamer studied, he found several common factors. In principle, having suffered a traumatic event such as the death of a loved one, an accident, rape, war situations, etc. In addition to the traumatic situation, the person has felt powerless in the face of such a situation. And another very important factor is not having been able to express or communicate that experience and the emotions derived from it. These are the common elements for the formation of what Dr. Hamer called "Dirk Hamer Syndrome" (DHS) in honor of his son, or also known as "biological conflict".

Under these circumstances, the organism's response is to create a focus in the brain, in a specific part that corresponds to the emotion or emotions involved. The so-called Hamer focus can even be detected as a circle in the brain mass, around which a series of concentric circles form. In the 1980s, when these types of circles had already been seen in brain scans, it was thought that they were anomalies in the detection equipment, so they were not given much attention.
The Hamer Focus (H.H: for its acronym in German Hamer Herd) have a relationship in size with the intensity and duration of the conflict. For Dr. Hamer they made great sense, because these circles, or Hamer focus, also have a correlation with the organs or tissues of the body that will also be affected, either by developing a cancerous process or tissue degeneration (necrosis or ulceration) . According to Hamer, the area of the body that will be affected can be understood based on the study of the embryonic development of the human body and its different systems and organs.
The study of more than 40,000 patients led Dr. Hamer to create a whole new paradigm, which we hope will also be of interest to the student of biomagnetism, who will be able to continue delving into this particular medicine, as novel and enlightening as Biomagnetism discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. To summarize, let's look at the laws on which German New Medicine is based:

1st. Biological Law of Nature or Iron Law of Cancer (1)

Every disease – or biological process – has its origin in a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrom), that is, in an unexpected, traumatic experience, lived with a feeling of being isolated and alone; therefore difficult to communicate. This experience impacts at the same time on a psychic, cerebral and organic level. The content of the psychic conflict determines, at the instant of the DHS, the location of the Hamer focus (HH, Hamer Herd) in the brain, as well as the location of the cancer or oncoequivalent disease at an organic level. The evolution of the conflict in the three levels mentioned is a synchronous process.
The subjective feeling behind the conflict and the individual's perception of it determines which part of the brain will receive the shock and, consequently, which physical symptoms will manifest as a result of the conflict.

2nd. Biological Law of Nature

Faced with the traumatic experience, the body starts a process that Dr. Hamer called: Special Program with Biological Sense (SBS) which naturally follows two phases.
Starting from the shock, there is a correlation between the evolution of the psychological conflict, the evolution of the Hamer focus and that of the organic disease that basically consists of two phases that Dr. Hamer called "sympathotonic" and "vagotonic" because they present as alteration of the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system and its circadian cycles.

1st phase: Any occurrence of a conflict such as the one mentioned is followed by a stage of stress (active phase of the conflict). Also called sympathotonic phase, or COLD phase because the blood vessels constrict causing cold in various areas of the body. In this phase, the person shows nervousness, cold hands, difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, lack of rest, relaxation, shallow breathing, etc. In this sense, practicing relaxation techniques, gentle exercise or stretching can mitigate the impact of psychological conflict. If the psychological conflict is not resolved and the phase lasts too long or becomes acute, the person may die, due to wear and tear.

2nd phase: At the moment in which the psychological conflict is resolved, the second phase is entered (resolving or healing phase of the conflict) in which the predominance is relaxation/tiredness. "vagotonia" or WARM phase. In other words, at the moment in which the psychological conflict is resolved, the disease enters a self-healing process. If the body has a suitable environment, free of toxins and enough energy, the healing process occurs on its own. It should be noted that many times it is in the 2nd phase when the medical diagnosis of identification of a harmful disease is made, as is the case of leukemia or myocardial infarction, which, although it can cause important complications that must be treated, must be understood as healing processes.*
In fact, this healing phase is divided into two, and in the middle of both sub-phases there is a crisis, precisely when the vagotonia reaches its peak. The nervous system tries to compensate for this state by activating the sympathetic system again, again generating a stress peak; Dr. Hamer called this point in the process epicrisis, which is nothing more than a healing crisis.
The specific symptoms of epicrisis are determined by the type of conflict and the organ involved. Heart attacks, cerebrovascular events, pulmonary embolisms, asthma attacks, migraine attacks, epileptic seizures, bleeding gastric ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea are just a few examples of the healing crisis. If the epicrisis occurs acutely, it can lead the organism to death.

3rd Biological Law of Nature, Ontogenetic System of Cancer and equivalents to Cancer.

This law explains that there is a correlation between the psyche, the brain and the affected organ. This is explained based on the embryonic development of the human organism (as well as other organisms), since from three germinal leaves: Endoderm (internal), Mesoderm (intermediate) and Ectoderm (external) all organs and tissues are developed. The layers are also related to the structures of the brain: brain stem, cerebellum, white matter, and cerebral cortex (gray matter).
Consequently, all the organs that derive from the same germ layer are controlled by the same part of the brain according to the scheme shown below.

All organs that originate in the endoderm are controlled by the brain stem and are made up of adeno cells, which is why cancers of these organs are called adeno-carcinomas. During the phase of active conflict they generate cell proliferation; with the solution of the conflict the tumors stop growing immediately. In the healing phase these are degraded with the help of specialized micro-organisms (fungi and myco-bacteria). If tissue-related microbes are not available—possibly due to overuse of antibiotics—the tumor remains in place and encapsulates without further cell division.

The intermediate germinal leaf divides into two:
a) Old brain mesoderm directed from the cerebellum. All organs and tissues derived from the old brain mesoderm generate cell proliferation during the conflict-active phase. With the resolution of the conflict, the tumors stop growing immediately. In the healing phase, tumors are degraded by the corresponding microbes, otherwise they are encapsulated without further proliferation.
b) New brain mesoderm, controlled by white matter. All organs and tissues that originate from the mesoderm of the new brain produce tissue loss during the conflict-active phase. With the resolution of the conflict, the process of tissue degradation immediately disappears. During the healing phase, lost tissue is repaired through cell proliferation, ideally with the help of tissue-related bacteria. The natural healing process is typically accompanied by swelling (edema), inflammation, fever, "infection" and pain. Cancers such as lymphoma, adrenal cancer, Wilms tumor, osteosarcoma, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, or leukemia are all healing in nature and indicate that the conflict has already been resolved.

All organs and tissues that originate from the ectoderm are controlled from the cerebral cortex, and therefore are related to more advanced biological conflicts. Ectodermal organs and tissues are made up of flat or squamous epithelial cells. That is why cancers of these organs are called "squamous epithelial carcinomas."
All organs and tissues derived from the ectoderm generate tissue loss (ulceration) during the conflict-active phase. With the resolution of the conflict the process of ulceration stops immediately. In the healing phase, the tissue is replenished and repaired through cell proliferation. The natural healing process is typically accompanied by swelling (edema), inflammation, fever, and pain. The bacteria (if available) aid in the formation of scar tissue resulting in symptoms of a "bacterial infection". The ectodermal tissue can also present functional loss or alteration, as we see for example in hypoglycemia, diabetes, visual and auditory dysfunctions, sensory or motor paralysis.
During the healing phase, to be precise, after the epicrisis, the organ and the tissue recover their normal function.
Another concept that is of great importance in German New Medicine is the cerebral predominance of the organism or biological laterality (right or left), which has to be taken into account to accurately locate the HH in the brain for all tissues and organs except for those who are controlled by the brain stem. Laterality allows us to know which side of the brain the conflict impacts and, therefore, which side of the body is affected. There are several neurological tests to determine cerebral predominance, such as the applause test developed by Hamer and the Luria test, also the hand with which the individual writes normally indicates their cerebral predominance.

4th Biological Law of Nature.

The micro-organisms live in symbiosis with the human being since they are endemic, they serve the healing phase and their action correlates directly with the three embryonic layers during the healing phase. Its function is for the benefit of the human being.
The important thing about this fourth law is that microorganisms do not cross the threshold of the tissue. Fungi and mycobacteria (such as tuberculosis TB) only operate in tissues that originate from the endoderm and mesoderm of the old brain, while bacteria only participate in the healing of tissues that derive from the mesoderm of the new brain. During decomposition, remnants of the healing process are eliminated through stool, urine, or respiratory secretions from the lungs, typically accompanied by night sweats, discharge (potentially mixed with blood), swelling, inflammation, fever, and pain. So what we commonly call infection is part of the healing process.
Bacteria operating exclusively in white matter-controlled organs and tissues help to replenish and replenish tissue loss that occurred during the conflict-active phase. They also participate in the formation of scar tissue.
Viruses help the tissue reconstruction process controlled by the cerebral cortex of ectodermal origin.

5th Law of Nature or Quintessence

Every disease is part of a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) designed to assist an organism in resolving a biological conflict. “Dr. Hamer's discoveries provide the ultimate evidence that the doctrines of modern medicine are built on false premises and are therefore completely wrong.
The Five Biological Laws reveal that everything in Nature has a biological meaning and that nothing is "sick" or "evil". The biological laws that constitute this true New Medicine are firmly based on the natural sciences, and are at the same time in perfect harmony with other natural laws, including spiritual laws. For this reason, in Spain, the New Germanic Medicine has been called The Sacred Medicine” (Markolin, 2007).”

Hamer Focus and bioenergetics

How we see in the second law, what we commonly call disease, is actually a process by which the body tries to solve, it is important to remember that it is divided mainly into two phases, the COLD or active andWARM or curative. Before applying the mastoid – kidney pair (which also corresponds to the emotion of fear) the therapist will have to ask for bioenergetics if the person is in stage 1 or 2.
If you the person is in the COLD phase, biomagnetism can help to move to the second stage. While if it is in the second stage, biomagnetism therapy could interfere with the body's natural healing process, which would cause more acute symptoms or the manifestation of epicrisis. All this can be asked through bioenergetics.

  • Is the patient suffering from Dirk Hamer syndrome?
  • Is the patient in the Cold or Warm phase?
  • Should the mastoid-kidney pair be applied in this session?
  • Will the application of biomagnetism cause an epicrisis? (healing crisis)

In short, many other questions can be formulated that the biomagnetist deems appropriate at the moment.
How the third law states, there is a biunivocal relationship between the Hamer Foci, in the brain; and the affected organ(s) in the body. Therefore, it could also be tested by placing a negative magnet in the area of the Hamer Focus in the head and the positive one in the affected organ.


Some of the postulates stated in the five laws of Germanic medicine may seem quite radical or even absurd to most people, since they contravene the principles on which allopathic medicine is based, in what refers to the disease in general and cancer in particular.
When observing the phases of the evolution of the disease, which Dr. Hamer correlated with the embryonic evolution, it is striking that the symptoms that allopathic medicine considers a deterioration of the state of health, for the German New Medicine represent a phase More about the healing process. We refer to symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, organ and tissue dysfunction that occur in the so-called vagotonic stage; and that allopathic medicine tries to alleviate through multiple means such as analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antidiarrheals, etc.

However, the healing crisis has been understood by many other alternative medicines such as homeopathy or traditional Chinese medicine, just to mention the most recognized ones. This leads us to change our notion of disease, and leads us to understand it as a process in which the body tries to resolve a conflict that began on an emotional or psychic level.
More than fighting against the symptoms, it is necessary to understand the root of the conflict, bring it to the light of consciousness and, above all, allow the person to feel and express it, in order to begin with their healing. About the techniques to help the person to discover the psychic conflicts, emotional blocks we will talk more extensively in the next unit of the course.
Another aspect that draws special attention is that for Dr. Hamer, microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, far from being the enemies of health, play a crucial role in the functioning of the organism and even in disease processes and healing. In fact, Dr. Hamer mentions that, in many cases, if the tissues do not have the necessary microorganisms, the tissue and organ will not be able to restore themselves 100%. Concepts that go against allopathic medicine and the planning of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán where the presence and proliferation of pathogens is the cause of diseases.
What is similar to both paradigms – New Germanic medicine and Biomagnetism – is that more than searching for pathogens, the therapist will have to look for the root of emotional imbalance, which in turn is the cause of energy and physical imbalances.

Complementary activity:

- Visit the official site of German New Medicine.




1. Source: Taken from “¿Cómo es que las personas “lindas” siempre están enfermas?" (How is it that “pretty” people are always sick?) An attempt at integration between psychoanalysis and German New Medicine. by Diana Esther Medina Niembro, Benson-Henry Institute of Mind-Body Medicine; Presented in the digital magazine of psychology of the U.N.A.M Iztacala, Mexico 2011.

* NOTE: This phase is a state similar to that described in our chapter on low-grade silent or systemic inflammation. Although here it is probably a state of reaction of the organism and a more acute inflammation.


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