
The tumor phenomenon


Unit IV Lesson 1

In the 90s, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán had already treated thousands of patients with biomagnetism. Many of them arrived diagnosed with cancer, to whom Dr. Goiz applied the biomagnetic pair, testing the pairs discovered to date. In many of these patients he achieved amazing results, shrinking tumors, remission of disease, achieving what the doctors could only explain as "false diagnoses". The experience and information accumulated after successfully treating hundreds of cancer patients motivated Dr. Goiz to write a book on this subject called "El fenómeno tumoral" (The Tumor Phenomenon), published in 1996.

In this unit we will begin with an introduction of what cancer is, to continue with the principles that Dr. Goiz enunciates from the point of view of biomagnetism, to end with the main conclusions that Dr. Goiz reached thanks to thousands of patients treated in his consultation.

What is cancer, definition

Cancer is the proliferation of cells that have undergone a genetic mutation causing tumors or metastases. Genetic mutations are very common and occur throughout a person's life due to several factors: Starting because in each replication of the DNA molecule there is the possibility of an error in the process. And then a series of factors intervene capable of damaging cellular DNA such as:

  • Infections
  • Harmful substances: toxic, free radicals
  • Radiation

As we already mentioned, genetic mutations happen frequently, but usually the very nature of the mutation prevents the cell from continuing to function, that is, to live. On other occasions, a programmed death process, called apoptosis, is activated to prevent the mutant cells from damaging the organism. The immune system also intervenes by detecting damaged cells and proceeding to eliminate them through macrophages. But when all this fails, then the mutant cell can continue to reproduce and thus form a whole group of mutant cells.
The most widely accepted theory holds that cancer originates from a single damaged cell that is capable of reproducing to form a tumor. Later we will detail how this process works and the association of pairs that occurs according to the various stages, based on the discoveries of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán.

Types of cancer, classification

When we talk about cancer, we are not talking about a single disease, but about a wide variety of diseases that are based on the mutation of cellular DNA. Oncology is responsible for studying in depth each of the varieties of cancer that can develop. Its classification can offer different criteria such as tumor morphology, affected tissues, etc.

Tumor. neoplasm, mass of tissue without physiological function that grows independently of surrounding tissues.

Carcinomas. These are cancers that originate from epithelial cells. These are cells that line the surface of organs, glands, or body structures. They represent more than 80% of all cancers, including the most common varieties of lung, breast, colon, prostate, pancreas and stomach cancer, among others. Its high incidence is due to the fact that epithelial cells are the ones that have a faster reproduction rate, which gives cancerous cells a greater opportunity to proliferate. On the contrary, cells that have little or no rate of reproduction will not produce cancers, such as myocardial cells, in the heart; or neurons, in the brain.

Sarcomas. They are cancers that are formed from the so-called connective or conjunctive tissue, from which the muscles, bones, cartilage or fatty tissue derive. The most common are bone sarcomas.

Leukemias. They are cancers that originate in the bone marrow, which is the tissue responsible for maintaining the production of red and white blood cells, and platelets. Alterations in these cells can produce, respectively, anemia, infections and coagulation disorders (bleeding or thrombosis). Many of the types of leukemia are congenital.

Lymphomas. They develop from lymphatic tissue, such as that found in lymph nodes and organs.

Melanoma. It is a type of skin cancer. Cancer cells are found in the outer layer of the skin: the epidermis. One of the main causes is exposure to UV rays from the sun for prolonged periods, it can progress rapidly and spread to other organs, a process known as metastasis. Biomagnetism associates it with the presence of viruses, in many cases the Hanta virus is responsible.

Angiomas. It is a malformation caused by an exaggerated proliferation of blood vessels. They are common on the skin, where they appear as red spots, in the liver they can be caused by cirrhosis.

Usually, the above terms are accompanied by a prefix that indicates the type of cell that generated it, for example:

  • Adeno = gland
  • Chondro = cartilage
  • Erythro = red blood cell
  • Hemangio = blood vessel
  • Lipo = fat
  • Melano = pigmented cell
  • Myo = muscle cell
  • Osteo = bone

Dr. Goiz's critique of allopathic medicine:

Dr. Isaac Goiz suggests that orthodox diagnostic methods are imprecise, tending to resort to various means such as: cytological studies, biopsies, radiographs, tomography, etc. Finally, the malignancy of the tumor is determined by the (subjective) criteria of the oncologist, who is based mainly on his experience and knowledge. Many times the opinion of a first doctor is contrary to that of a second, which in turn is refuted by that of a third specialist.
The classification of tumors can be based on their morphological characteristics: carcinoma, gangrenous, alveolar, colloid, spider, aerolar, atrophic, cellular, cystic; to mention just a few.
It is more important for the doctor to classify it according to the organ it affects: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc
Not finding a single factor that determines the formation of malignant tumors, medical science mentions risk factors that can be a wide range of substances such as smoke, chemicals, pollutants, radiation, environmental factors, etc.
Allopathic medicine mainly uses three resources for the treatment of different types of cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

  • Surgery removes the tumor, as long as this procedure is considered safe. It is a method that has serious repercussions for the patient's body and psyche since it deprives it of its entire organism.
  • Radiation therapy aims to kill cancer cells through the use of radiation. It should be noted that radiation is the main cause of genetic mutations, which is the cause of cancer.
  • Chemotherapy focuses primarily on preventing cell division through the use of heavy (toxic) metals. The main problem with this therapy is that it does not discriminate between normal cells and cancer cells, wreaking havoc throughout the body and mainly in fast-growing tissues: epithelial, digestive system, etc. In addition to causing long-term side effects mainly in the blood and bone system.




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