
Order, the power of intention


UNIT I Lesson 7

In addition to the ability to question the higher mind, receive an answer and direct energy from a distance; bioenergetics can give the therapist a third capacity, perhaps the most powerful: the ability to "order".
Ordering or decreeing is possible by virtue of the highly elevated mental plane where the therapist's will begins to operate. Bioenergetics goes one step beyond the energy plane, typical of biomagnetism, and operates at a higher level, the mental level. Through practice we verify what the sages of antiquity had already discovered: that the MIND has dominion over matter and also over energy. How is this possible? This is so by virtue of the fact that we live in a mental Universe. This means that the true nature of the universe is the mind. The matter, and all the reality that we capture with our senses are nothing more than the result of the MIND.

The case of the infected mother and baby

The case of a baby treated with bioenergetics who suffered from respiratory problems has been cited several times. It seems to me that this happened to Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, and it is important to know him because it is surely a situation that can occur frequently. Since the baby was only a few weeks old, it was difficult to test her directly and apply the magnets, so the therapist proceeded to do the treatment through the mother, finding the supraspinatus pair =, the magnets were applied for 15 minutes on the body of the mother. mom, since the girl was very restless.
Acting very correctly, the therapist proceeded to ask who had infected the baby and it turned out that the mother herself was the source of the infection. So it was necessary to know if she had tuberculosis.

The expected would be to think that since the magnets were already applied to the mother for 15 minutes, that would be enough to eradicate the virus in her as well. But to the therapist's surprise, she still had the virus and it was necessary to apply the magnets to her for another 15 minutes. With this case we verify that the energy is directed and focused where the mind indicates it. The INTENTION is more important than the energy itself. This is what makes remote treatment possible, being able to manifest magnetic fields thousands of kilometers away without the need for the magnets to be physically there. And on the other hand, if we have the magnets in one place but our mental focus is elsewhere, they won't work, as the case of mother and baby illustrates.

How is the Intention developed?

Being such a subtle and new plane for humanity, in general we cannot state the elements and guarantee that mental focus can be obtained with them. Personally, I think that the last word to manifest the "powers" that occur at the bioenergetic level comes from the higher planes. Whether we call it Supraconscious, Quantum Dobe, Higher Mind or Divinity, it is that entity that decides when and how to manifest in a person.
However, I believe that several factors can be cultivated for the person to acquire these gifts:

  • The continuous practice of biomagnetism, I believe, is one of the most important factors since it is what gives security and allows the mind to become one, that is, to assimilate itself to the biomagnetism system itself. As the testing process becomes mechanized, it becomes unconscious, intuitive and that is when it begins to manifest naturally. There are people who find it easier to bioenergetics, as I already mentioned, some students start testing without even taking people's feet. They are exceptional cases. In general terms, I believe that practice is one of the most important factors to achieve the connection with the higher plane.
  • The study of biomagnetism, anatomy and related subjects that allow you to have security and know the topics you want to ask about and focus your mind. You cannot ask the questions or have the mental focus, without first having the knowledge about the human body and the concepts of the biomagnetic pair.
  • Practicing disciplines such as meditation and yoga help calm the mind creating a more conducive and open state. The connection with the superconscious is linked to the development of the sixth chakra, located in the forehead and this opens once the subtle energy reaches it, for which prior work is needed on the physical, energetic (emotional) and mental bodies. .
  • Desire to serve and help. I want to think that moral qualities, the sincere desire to help people is one of the factors that can accelerate development in these aspects. Above all, because knowledge and the powers of thought can be used both for good and for evil (damaging health).
  • Faith. Although I mention it at the end, perhaps it is the main element since, without it, everything else would be in vain. Fortunately, knowing that more and more people are receiving these gifts inspires and gives confidence to those who start on this path.

With each person who practices bioenergetics, the channel between humanity and the Higher Mind widens more, so that each one who initiates in it helps in some way to the development of humanity.

How to formulate an order or decree

Ordering manifests the will of the mind over energy and matter. There are many issues that can be ordered or decreed mentally.
The important thing is to always decree for the greater good starting at the beginning of the session: “I ask for the good of (name of the person) as long as it is the will of the Divine” It does not have to be the exact phrase, each one can formulate it as they feel or intuit, it is just to give a general idea.
The orders or decrees must be made in a positive way, do not use negations in the sentences since the superconscious and the subconscious can be confused.
Express the decrees in a simple, concise and precise way.

Practical examples

Apply the pair timo – straight bioenergetically for 15 minutes –

This command will have the same effect on the patient as if we had physically applied the torque, but without its possible negative effects.

In some cases, this ability can be very useful, such as a pregnant woman who is risky to physically apply magnets to her. In this particular case we could order, for example. “Apply the prostate-rectum pair for 20 minutes without affecting the pregnancy.”
Other forms of decree can be used to apply magnets for example on a daily basis, say in the case of an injury. We physically apply the magnet (arm – kidney on the same side) and mentally decree “Apply this pair 15 minutes daily until the next appointment”. In this way, it is as if we were giving the patient a session every day, without wearing ourselves out or causing higher costs for the patient.

The power of the mind

In reality, the decrees have no limit, it is incredible what can be achieved if you know how to handle them correctly.
In the year 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, we began to practice collective sessions to cure people of Covid-19. To carry out the sessions, I asked for the names and dates of birth of the people who were seriously ill due to the infection. In fact, we even published a video showing the protocol of the session, which consisted of directing the session towards all the people mentioning their names and then placing all the pairs related to the virus, as well as many others related to the symptoms and associated pathogens more commonly with severe disease symptoms.

Unfortunately, YouTube did not like the way we approached the treatment of the pandemic, because it was not within the "official" protocols and the video was canceled, so I could not get much feedback on the results of the treatments.
However, this motivated other colleagues to practice similar sessions. One of them said that he sent the treatment to all the patients in a hospital and that the rate of improvement was much higher than before doing the treatments.
I mention these cases only as examples of what can be achieved through the development of the Intention, since deep down it is what it allows in work with bioenergetics. In the following units we will see that several of the advanced biomagnetism protocols are based on the mental capacity to decree, as is the case with genetic disorders.
As we see, bioenergetics or advanced biomagnetism is accompanied by greater responsibility, respect towards the patient and towards the Divinity, which is finally what has allowed us to reach this level. We must always remember to always cure, always putting the patient's well-being as the main objective; trying to overcome the personal desire for profit or recognition. In short, doing the work selflessly (not for money), lovingly (for the patient) and humbly (for Divinity).




* Para más detalles sobre el Covid-19 y los pares sugeridos consultar la Guía de biomagnetismo.

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