
Protocols in Bioenergetics


UNIT I Lesson 5

As we see, bioenergetics opens up a whole range of possibilities for the therapist in terms of the questions and issues that he can ask; which is why probably the one who starts at this new level wonders where to start.

To begin, you can use the protocol that you already know, whether you use the ones that Dr. Goiz taught in his courses, those found in the Biomagnetism Guide, in some other guide, or one that he has devised on his own. own. In this way, the therapist can do a complete screening (recommended by Dr. Goiz) in each session in order to cover the possible disorders caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites; to continue with dysfunctional, special, and psychoemotional pairs. As for the reservoirs, the therapist can test them at the beginning of the session and place the magnets so that the pathogens can manifest a few minutes later in the pairs that correspond to them.
If we want to follow the traditional method of Dr. Goiz, it would be to omit the reservoirs and go directly to the sequence that he taught in his courses and that the students memorized as the Our Father of biomagnetism, Pineal, pituitary, eye, mediastinum, etc. etc. Obviously at each point that one asks one is checking the answer, either with the legs, the fingers of the hands or the pendulum. But, anyway, if we are going to do it the traditional way, it would be taking the patient's ankles. This way we can do a full scan using Dr. Goiz's test sequence.
Although if the therapist started at the first level with a different protocol and that is the one that he masters best, the best thing to do is to take that protocol as a starting platform and modify it as he goes along, if necessary.
The great advantage is that the advanced level allows us to test in other ways that can save us time. For example, if we use the lists from the Biomagnetism Guide we can go directly to the basic list of 173 points and test them one by one. With this we will be able to test all pairs of pathogens and most of the special ones.
Or we can go from the general to the particular. If we use, for example, the Biomagnetism Guide, we can ask, Are there pairs of reservoirs that I should apply in this session? If we get a positive answer then we start going through the list of reservoirs, which can also be done by groups of pairs, for example Is there a pair between the numbers 1 to 9? Yes/no Are there any pairs between the numbers 10 to 19? Yes/no and so we continue with the entire list. In the group where we have a positive answer, we ask ourselves one by one to find the pair that should be applied.

In the case of other lists of pathogens, the special and psycho-emotional pairs, we can ask for letters of the alphabet, for example:

  • Are there any bacteria pairs I should apply? ( yes / no )
  • Is there a pair of the letter A that I should apply? ( yes / no )
  • Is there a pair of the letter B that I should apply? ( yes / no ) …

This way we can go through all the pairs available in the Biomagnetism Guide.
And well, we still have another resource, which are the lists by areas of the body that are found in the Biomagnetism Guide under the protocols tab. Which can be used in a similar way, from the general to the particular as already explained. As we can see, the biomagnetism guide has many resources for the advanced level, so that the therapist can choose the one or those that best suit their taste and according to each patient and particular situation.

How to ask questions?

At the advanced level it is very common to put lists and protocols aside and move forward independently. It is the case that many times a person arrives with a specific discomfort or disorder that they want to treat. Sometimes even accompanied by a medical diagnosis and laboratory studies. One way to approach the situation is to start directly with the problem the person is presenting. For example, if it is a urinary tract infection, we can directly search for the pairs related to this type of infection. Or if the person has a migraine, we can ask about the pairs related to that symptom. After placing those specific pairs then we can proceed with a protocol to do a complete trace.
In some cases the question is as direct as: should I apply the carina – carina pair? do you have candida infection? Or is the temple-temple pair good for a migraine? But many other times the questions may not make any reference to peers, for example, have you contracted this infection through sexual contact? In this case, the type of infection could even be indicated (tactfully enough) and even asked the person the name of their sexual partner, or if they have had several, so the question could be reformulated as Was this bacterium spread by sexual contact with (name of partner)?
The rule for asking a question is that it be as specific as possible and that an answer can be obtained in binary form, that is, “yes” or “no”.
An incorrect question would be: what dose of such a drug should you take? Assuming you can prescribe allopathic medicine or it was a homeopathic remedy. In any case, the question is not well formulated because it cannot be answered in the form of affirmation or negation.
In short, as we already mentioned, by this means you can ask countless questions about various aspects such as food, allergies, trapped emotions (which we will see in a special UNIT), other alternative therapies. Therefore, this means of diagnosis can be applied to other therapies such as Bach Flowers, herbalism, homeopathy, dietary deficiencies, etc. The advanced level therapist can continue adding tools to his arsenal, as he prepares himself in other subjects that can complement biomagnetism. For its part, the Biomagnetism Guide contains articles and sections that can be used to question based on specific lists on topics such as intoxication, allergies, food deficiencies, genetic disorders. We will see the most important topics in more detail in the following UNITs of this course.
Finally, emphasize that questions should always be formulated with the aim of helping the person. Never out of simple curiosity and much less with the purpose of damaging or taking advantage of knowledge. The professional ethics of the therapist prevails, always keeping in mind the secrecy of the patient's data and life.




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