



Biomagnetism is a revolutionary technique, since with only 2 permanent magnets, with a minimum intensity of 1500 Gauss, a number of disorders can be treated, including infections by various pathogens, energetic and emotional imbalances. Surely in the not too distant future, biomagnetism will be recognized as a milestone in the history of medical science. The healing effect of magnets is due to their ability to energetically balance the human body, which can be understood, from a biochemical point of view, as pH balance. Once the energy level in the affected organs and/or tissues is restored, the organism is capable of regenerating itself and the pathogenic agents, not finding the right ground for them, stop proliferating and causing infection.

Doing a bit of history, let us remember that Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán discovered the biomagnetic pair in October 1988 in a person suffering from Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AIDS; impacting the partimo-rectus he was able to achieve a prompt and noticeable improvement; This is how medical Biomagnetism was born. From that day on, and thanks to hard work and his sharp scientific mind, Dr. Goiz continued to discover dozens of biomagnetic pairs, initially associated with various types of germs that cause infections: viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, those he called regular pairs. And in a short time, other types of pairs were added, such as special, dysfunctional and reservoirs.
At first, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán developed a method to find biomagnetic pairs in patients, which consisted of testing the different points on the patient's body with a magnet in negative polarity, which required the help of an assistant. that he was placing the magnets in the respective points, while Dr. Goiz took the patient's ankles to detect the muscular response, by shortening one leg: the method known as "tracking".

With practice, the assistant already knew the points to be tested, which was made easier since Dr. Goiz always used the same sequence of points. In this way the process was "automated" and the testing could be carried out in a few minutes.

Testing by mental effort

In 1993 biomagnetism took a "quantum leap" to call it somehow, since in that year Dr. Goiz began to experiment with phenomena beyond the laws of science “classic”. The first was the ability to do the test without placing the magnets on the pre-established points, but obtaining the answer by simply mentalizing the test points, using what Dr. Goiz called “mental effort”.
It was Dr. Ángeles Bonilla who suggested to Dr. Goiz that he try to get the answer just by mentalizing the points. This is how Dr. Goiz himself narrated it:

"After having reviewed and treated more than 20,000 patients with Medical Biomagnetism for 6 years -1988-1993-, and having integrated a procedure and a methodology that is used to date where points of the human body are checked energetically to detect pH distortions that in turn identify the same number of common organic pathologies, I spontaneously began to distinguish, evoke and identify with my mind the biomagnetic pairs in patients treated with Medical Biomagnetism, in such a way that at the beginning of 1994, spontaneously and thanks to the generous influence of Dr. Ángeles Bonilla, I began the practice of a new diagnostic/therapeutic concept that I immediately baptized as Medical Bioenergetics. "1

The truth is that a similar type of test had already been discovered since 1964 by Dr. George J. Goodheart, who developed a whole technique that uses muscle tests as a means of diagnosis, of course we we refer to Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Goodheart had already discovered that the body's responses could be perceived in different muscles, mainly in the arms and legs, which decreased their strength when finding a positive response.

Smart muscle response

Based on the phenomena discovered, first by Dr. Goodheart and later by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, now called intelligent muscle response, we can conclude that both the shortening of the leg and the weakening of the muscles are due to the same phenomenon. To put it another way, the body responds with a physical and energetic change that affects the entire organism. We now know that it is not only the leg that is shortened, but the entire body (usually the right) that is affected. It is thanks to this phenomenon that testing can also be done using the length of the arms or even testing with the fingers of the hands; also in those parts of the body we can perceive shortening and weakening of the muscles.
So both Dr. Goodheart in 1964 and Dr. Goiz in 1988 found the same phenomenon. With the difference that in Dr. Goiz's method the phenomenon is induced by the magnetic field of the negative pole of the magnet.
Most likely, Dr. Goiz would not have known about Applied Kinesiology, if so he would have tried mental testing from the beginning. And probably Dr. Ángeles Bonilla did know the technique, so she suggested to Dr. Goiz that he try to obtain the muscular response, without the use of the magnet.
It seems that Dr. Goiz was immersed in his work, finding new biomagnetic pairs and treating thousands of patients, so he did not have much time to learn about the work of other researchers.

First distance treatment

The second phenomenon that broke the limits of classical-mechanistic science was distant healing that took place from Mexico City (then the Federal District ) to Piano de Sorrento, in Italy, where the patient was cured remotely, in the same way as if he were in Dr. Goiz's office.
In principle, his scientific training made it difficult for him to accept this new type of phenomenon. So when he was able to do the first session remotely, he was the first to be amazed at the results. This happened in 1995, when Dr. Goiz was in Mexico and the patient was in Piano de Sorrento, Italy, and this is how bioenergetics and telebioenergetics were born, which are the axis of the Advanced Course in Biomagnetism.
Testing through "mental effort" and distance healing are two phenomena that Dr. Goiz included within a new branch of biomagnetism that he himself called Medical Bioenergetics 2.

First biomagnetism courses

At the end of the 90s, Dr. Goiz understood the importance of disseminating his knowledge and that is how he called the first group to teach the first course on Medical Biomagnetism, which was held carried out with a little more than a dozen students in Mexico City. The course, intensive 8 hours a day, lasting 5 days covered the basic topics of biomagnetism such as the concept of pH balance, what is magnetism, what is the biomagnetic pair; as well as a detailed explanation of each of the pairs that had been discovered at that time. Practice was an indispensable part of the program. After listening to the theory, the students formed groups, designating one of them as a "guinea pig" while two others took the magnets and began to take him by the ankles and place the magnets all over his body to try to find the first pair. . - What look already shrank leg! Nope, that's just the shoe slipping off! – Fortunately, Dr. Goiz was always there to clarify the situation and indicate if a pair had actually been located.

That is how Dr. Goiz began to teach medical biomagnetism courses, first barely only one or two courses per year, in the Polanco location and, later, in a central building on Insurgentes Avenue. At first, students from various states of the Mexican Republic came to the course, but soon numerous groups of students from different countries throughout the Americas and Europe began to congregate. In a short time, Dr. Goiz was invited to teach his courses in various countries, so much of his time was devoted to teaching biomagnetism.
The second level course came much later when the need was seen to give a guide to students who, in some way, began to practice mental testing and telebioenergetics (distance treatment). Dr. Goiz continued to teach courses for practically the rest of his life, maintaining his own system: one-week courses, 8 hours a day.

Current courses

The various institutions and people who teach the advanced courses have modified the original program, providing different approaches and nuances. The temary presented in this course includes varied topics that will allow the student to understand the phenomena that make the practice of bioenergetics possible. But the most important issues within the wide range of subjects that can be treated with medical bioenergetics are also addressed, from physiological issues such as the understanding of complex diseases such as cancer or diabetes; going through the treatment of emotional disorders, to the most subtle topics such as quantum physics, and bioenergetic centers (chakras).
Therefore, the Advanced Biomagnetism course is more of a structural framework for the study of the most relevant topics that can serve those who already practice biomagnetism and bioenergetics professionally. In addition to reading the selected readings that make up the course, the student will be able to share with colleagues the experiences and discoveries obtained throughout the practice of biomagnetism and bioenergetics.




1- Isaac Goiz Durán; “Fisiopatología Bioenergética”;, Editorial Medicinas Alternativas y Rehabilitación, S.A. de C.V.; México, Distrito Federal. (2014); p 68

2 It is important to distinguish it from Bioenergetics, a science developed by Alexander Lowen, a disciple of Wilhelm Reich. Lowen's bioenergetics deals with blockages and energy shields and how to treat them through mind-body therapies.

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