

Lesson 9. Classification of biomagnetic pairs

9.1 Regular pairs

The first pairs discovered by Doctor Isaac Goiz DurĂ¡n correspond to infections caused by various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites; they are what we call Regular pairs . In the Biomagnetic Guide we present a list for each of the types of pathogens that can currently be treated by biomagnetism:

- Virus
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Parasites

9.2 Non pathogens pairs:

Over time, various pairs began to be discovered that were no longer due to the presence of pathogenic organisms, for example, the Goiz Pair, which is related to energy imbalance. These types of pairs were called Specials. Then, some pairs were discovered that were due to dysfunction of the glands or organs, and later on, a large number of pairs were added to the list that allow balancing psycho-emotional disorders. So now we have the following pair classification:

9.2.1 Reservoirs. They are pairs where the information of various pathogens is stored. Once impacted, pathogens manifest in the corresponding pairs. Therefore, if a reservoir is found, the scan will have to be repeated to locate the pathogens that were "hidden" in the reservoir.

9.2.2 Special Pairs. They are not associated with pathogens, rather they are bioenergetic in nature; they can manifest on one or more planes: physical, emotional or mental.

9.2.3 Dysfunctional Pairs. They are established when an organ or gland presents some degree of dysfunction. They can be caused by various factors from infections, energetic disturbances, to psycho-emotional disorders.

9.2.4 Psychoemotional pairs. They respond to psychic alterations that are manifested on the mental-emotional plane. It is suggested that emotional disorders may be accompanied by other techniques such as Bach Flowers, Decoding of emotions, Psychotherapy (to name a few).

These are the main groups of pairs that are used to date in biomagnetism. There are some other definitions of pairs such as Complex pairs or Associated pairs that we can actually also include in the groups that we have just presented; we will present them in Lesson 15.


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