
The Chakras


Unit V Lesson 6


The Chakras are known in the West as bioenergetic centers or nervofluidic centers, they are subtle energy centers. Its study comes from classical yoga texts. Each chakra is related to a gland of the endocrine system, a plexus, a set of organs. Therefore, an excess or deficit of energy in each of them can affect the physiological and emotional balance. In turn, each bioenergetic center is related to psychic levels, planets, colors, metals, sounds, etc. In this article we present the generalities of each one, beginning with the way it is called in the Western language, followed by its name in Sanskrit (the ancient language of India). At the end we present a basic protocol to balance them.

Chakra 1:

Root Chakra or Muladhara, it is located on the perineum, between the sex and the anus. It is represented as a lotus with 4 red petals. Related to the planet Saturn and the earth element, so it provides support, firmness, security. It governs the most basic instinct, which is the survival instinct, manifesting itself through the fear. Those who have not developed the energy of the first chakra feel insecure, in an uncertain world, always looking for someone or something to lean on (codependency, addictions). They are disorganized people with little will. Instead; whoever has developed it has the ability to overcome obstacles through tenacity and continuous effort. They are organized, constant, hard-working, reliable people.

In the physical aspect it is related to the adrenal glands, with the legs, the feet that are our roots and the contact with the earth. Governs the bone system, the structure.

Chakra 2:

Lumbo-sacral or Swadisthana, located at the level of lumbar 5 and the sacrum. Represented with a lotus with 6 orange petals. Ruled by the planet Jupiter and the element of water, it represents a more dynamic and fluid aspect of energy. Related to the sexual organs and to the sexual instinct that manifests itself through desires and pleasures, its excess being lust. Whoever has developed it has the ability to generate and create, either on the material level (material wealth) or on the artistic or intellectual level.

It is related to the gonads and the reproductive system, in general with the organs at the height of the hip and waist.

Chakra 3:

Hypogastric or Manipura (the city of jewels) is located in the solar plexus, between the diaphragm and the navel. Represented by 10 yellow petals. The planet Mars is its ruler along with the fire element. It is related to organs such as the liver and pancreas and in general with the digestive system. At the psychic level, it has to do with the desire for dominance that manifests itself through aggressive behavior. Its development goes hand in hand with that of willpower, value or courage; while its defect is usually uncontrolled anger, which manifests itself in alterations of the digestive system.

Chakra 4:

Heart Center or Anahata. It is located in the chest, at the height of the heart. Already here we enter a more spiritual field, since this chakra develops empathy and love. Represented by a lotus with 12 green petals. It is ruled by the planet Venus and the element of air. The energy becomes more subtle and in this case develops the feelings and aspirations of love, unity, compassion, understanding. Related to the thymus gland and the heart. Ancient texts say that by fully awakening, the state of ananda or complete bliss is achieved.

Chakra 5:

Laryngeal center or Vishuddha. It is the center of communication, which is located at the height of the throat. In the Hindu tradition it is related to the element akasha or ether by Westerners. A much more subtle vibrating element, Represented by 16 light blue (cyan) petals. The ability to communicate, eloquence and creativity are manifested through this center and its associated organs such as the mouth (language, music) ears (clairaudience) arms and hands (creativity and expression through the hands). It is related to the thyroid gland and the respiratory system. It also represents the communication between the world of ideas (head, brain) and the world of feelings and desires (chest, abdomen) and the way we externalize all this inner universe.

Chakra 6:

Front center or Agna. It is the center of vision both on a physical level and on an extrasensory level. It is located between the eyebrows (third eye). It is ruled by the Moon, element: Maha tattwa (space). Represented by 2 indigo colored petals (there are actually 96 petals, half blue and the other half violet). To those who develop it, it provides the ability to see beyond the limits of time and space, develops the consciousness of total knowledge: "Chit". Related to the pituitary gland, with the eyes and in general with the brain and nervous system. It provides the ability to imagine, visualize and clairvoyance or intuition on the higher plane.

Chakra 7:

Sahasrara or Coronary center, is located in the crown, in the center of the head and is related to the pineal gland and in general with the balance of the endocrine system. Represented by a purple lotus with a thousand petals. Its ruling planet is the Sun that connects us with the plane of the absolute, with cosmic Consciousness. When you have developed you can reach the Enlightenment or Samadhi, which is the consciousness of the Truth, from Being: "Sat", the union of the individual Soul with the universal Soul.





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