
The emotion code


Unit V Lesson 4

The emotion code is a system developed by Bradley Nelson that allows the unlocking of emotions. His method has been quite effective and furthermore, the protocol he follows is quite simple. The book The emotion code can be found for free on the internet in PDF format, also in Kindle version and paper version with Amazon and other bookstores. For those who want to specialize in the treatment of emotions, its complete reading is essential. In this chapter we present a summary with the basic concepts, the technique, as well as the minimum information so that the therapist can carry out a treatment.

Dr. Bradley Nelson's system requires only the trapped emotions chart and a magnet. The magnet can be of any type, it does not require a minimum power as in the case of biomagnetism; you can even use a refrigerator magnet. Nor should you pay attention to the polarity of the magnet (although I always do the treatment with the negative pole towards the person's body).
As in biomagnetism, treatment begins by asking questions that can be answered in a binary “yes” or “no” format. The answer can be obtained by various means, the same as in bioenergetics: either using the person's legs, the fingers (of the therapist), the pendulum, or any other method that allows obtaining the answer from the superconscious.

Dr. Bradley Nelson has found that trapped emotions, in addition to affecting a person's psyche, also affect them physically, causing disease and a host of disorders. In his book he delves into this aspect and mentions several examples. He also mentions several cases that show how effective this simple method can be. Which is hard to believe until you experience it yourself.


Before starting, you must first have the permission or consent of the person to whom you are going to direct the treatment, if you are a minor, the permission of one of your parents or guardian. If you practice the emotion code within a biomagnetism session, we assume that the person already has your consent. If you have any questions, ask them again and ask for them consent, briefly explaining that this part of the treatment will allow them to find and release any blocked emotions and that it only takes a few minutes.
To apply Dr. Bradley Nelson's protocol, it is convenient for the person to be seated, so it is better to carry out the treatment after having finished the biomagnetism session. As expected, the place must be adequate, without interruptions. The therapist must be in a state of balance in order to connect with the supraconscious and proceed with the questions:
Here is the typical protocol that can be followed during the session:
Is there an emotion you need to unlock right now?
If the answer is positive, then it continues to identify the trapped emotion, for which Dr. Bradley Nelson's chart of emotions is used.

The method he suggests is as follows:
The trapped emotion is in column A (yes – no) or column B (yes – no)
The trapped emotion is in even line (yes – no) or non (yes – no)
The line is 1, 2, 3, etc…
Once the box in the chart where the emotion is found has been identified, the list is traversed one by one until the trapped emotion is found.
At this point we can ask if it is necessary to investigate or elaborate more about that emotion. If so, Dr. Bradley Nelson suggests a series of questions, for example:
When did that emotion arise?: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, age ranges can also be asked: 0 to 10 years, etc.
Is the emotion related to a particular person? Mom, dad, siblings, partner, boss, etc.
Is the emotion associated with a particular situation? abandonment, abuse, school, travel, etc.
In what part of the body, organ is the emotion trapped?
How does emotion affects physically?
From these questions, it is possible to discover the moment, and the exact situation in which the emotion was blocked. This allows the person to understand what the mechanism was and why the emotion was blocked in that particular situation. This is where it is convenient to have some training in psychology to be able to help the person to understand and overcome that situation. What we also call: making an elaboration.

Unlocking the emotion

To unlock the trapped emotion, take any of the magnets that we use for biomagnetism and pass it a minimum of three times from the subject's forehead, around his head, down his neck and back to where the sacrum begins. When making the tour with the magnet, it is not required to touch the person, just pass the magnet a few centimeters.

After doing 3 to 5 magnetic passes, you ask if the emotion has already been released, usually that is all it takes to unlock the emotion. If the emotion has not been unlocked we can pass the magnet a few more times.
Once we are done unlocking and working with one emotion we can ask if there are any other emotions that can be unlocked at this time. In which case we look for the emotion again and unlock it following the same procedure.
Questions can also be asked to address specific problems that the person has, some examples that Dr. Bradley Nelson mentions are:
“Is there a trapped emotion that is preventing the person from losing weight?"
“Is there a trapped emotion that is causing inflammation in your tissues?”
“Is there a trapped emotion that is keeping you from making more money?”
“Is there a trapped emotion that is causing pain (back, neck, shoulder, knee, etc.)?"
“Is there a trapped emotion that is causing the person to feel (depressed, short-tempered, angry, etc.)?”
“Are there any trapped emotions in relation to any specific person (husband, wife, son, daughter, boss, etc.)?”
From these questions you can proceed to identify the trapped emotion, using the chart of emotions.
Usually only one or two emotions are unlocked per session. Cases in which more than three emotions are released in a single session are rare. This is understandable, since the person needs time to work through the emotions that they release. Not only his psyche, but also their body needs time to process the energetic change that accompanies emotional unblocking.
Normally in the sessions there are no situations of catharsis such as crying, screaming, etc. Some more sensitive people say that they have a special sensation when making the passes with the magnet that they sometimes describe as "a change in energy", "chill", "tingle", among others.
The days following the session the person can experience the emotion again, remember the situation when it was blocked or also experience the process through dreams. It is important to warn the person that they could experience any of these situations and that it is completely normal within the process.

Other types of emotional blockages

In the book, Dr. Bradley Nelson also mentions some other types of trapped emotions, which are really variants of what was explained above, such as:
Prenatal emotions, those that were blocked from the moment of gestation due to situations experienced by the baby and the mother.
Nested emotions. It is when two or more emotions are blocked in the same area of the body, which is rare.
The inherited emotions. As its name indicates, they are trapped emotions that were "inherited" from one of the parents, sometimes also from grandparents or even more distant relatives in the family tree. The procedure is the same, only to find these emotions you have to add to the protocol: are there any trapped inherited emotion that you can release at this time?
They can also be found when doing a normal protocol, only when you reach the box where the list of emotions is, for example, column A row 2, when testing the emotions that are inside the box, none will respond; then you must add the word "inherited" to each of the words in the list. To unlock an inherited trapped emotion, follow the same procedure that we already presented, only instead of sweeping the magnet 3 times, do it a minimum of 10 times.

The heart wall

As we had already noted in traditional Chinese medicine, the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart, is a receptacle for emotions. We notice the same thing in Dr. Goiz's list of psycho-emotional pairs, since many of them are paired with the heart. In the emotion code that area of the chest also has great importance. Dr. Bradley Nelson discovered that many emotions can accumulate in the heart forming "the wall of the heart" which is like a shield that prevents the person from feeling, and in this way moves away from their emotional dimension.
The wall of the heart is formed on the energetic plane and also on the mental plane. Let's say it was created by the person's subconscious imagination. This explains why the wall of the heart can be made of various materials such as wood, metal, cloth; or even some less expected ones like flowers, food, etc. The wall of the heart is one of the most interesting topics discovered by Dr. Bradley Nelson and adds further depth and scope to his therapy. However, due to its length, we invite you to read on the subject directly in Bradley Nelson's book: The emotion code.

We hope that you can add this valuable tool to your daily practice, since hundreds of therapists already apply it successfully.


Complementary activity:

Read the book: The emotion code.




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