
Psychoemotional Pairs


Unit V Lesson 3

From the discovery of bioenergetics (1993) Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán had a new tool that allowed him to discover many other pairs. To the regular pairs (associated with pathogens), special, dysfunctional and reservoirs were added the new psycho-emotional pairs, which, as their name indicates, serve to treat disorders of emotional states. It should be noted that Dr. Goiz did not have a background in psychology or psychiatry; however, this was not an obstacle for him to discover and use these types of pairs in his consultation.

The first thing we observe in the list of pairs is that they are not only about emotional disorders, but also treat a wide variety of disorders of the psyche, as is the case with the pairs for inspiration, doubt, selfishness, pride, gluttony. , mythomania. Actually, it could be said that more than half of the list is not due to emotions, but to disorders of another nature.
The pairs that represent negative aspects such as depression, anger, anguish, doubt, selfishness, arrogance, mythomania... seek to reduce these defects. While the positive aspects increase when applying pairs such as: memory, inspiration, open perception...
To the psychoemotional pairs originally discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, many others discovered by various biomagnetists in recent years have been added, and surely some more will continue to be added. In the Biomagnetism Guide, the first pair that appears in the list corresponds to the one discovered by Dr. Goiz, and several more can be listed below, most of which were discovered by other people, but we include them so that they can be tested together. with the originals of Dr. Goiz, since on many occasions they are also presented.

Another way to recognize Dr. Goiz's pairs is because he gave almost all of them proper names. In some cases he used the name of the patient in which they were detected; Some examples of the use of proper names are: Saturnino, Trini, Linda, Juana, Sergio (the same thing happened with several special pairs).
While in other cases he used words alluding to the emotion or disorders in question, eg: Taliban: for anger, Wallstreet: for greed, or Judas: for guilt. As we can see, Dr. Goiz applied a bit of Mexican humor when naming these pairs. We have respected the original names that Dr. Goiz gave them, because we consider that they are also part of his legacy.

Treatment of psychoemotional pairs

Dr. Goiz did not delve much into the treatment of emotions, probably because, as we have pointed out, psychology was not the area that most interested him. He did not extend much in his courses to explain them, nor do we have writings that he has written with reference to the subject of emotions.
With experience, what we have been able to verify is that the psycho-emotional pairs are manifested (shortening of the leg) even when we test with the magnet (without bioenergetics). If we find any psychoemotional pair in the test, we simply apply it in the same way as the other pairs. Usually, just by carrying out that action there is already a change in the person's psyche.
If we also have some preparation to deal with emotional issues, we can ask the superconscious if we need to investigate more about that disorder. From this point on, the therapist will be able to proceed according to his criteria and training in the field of the psyche. Also, if considered necessary, you can use other types of tools such as Bach Flowers, Emotion Code, group support, individual therapy, etc.

List of psychoemotional pairs

Below is the list of original pairs discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán. To know the additional pairs added by other biomagnetists visit the Biomagnetic Guide.

Abandonment hypophysis – heart
Open perception hypophysis – mastoid
Addictions corpus callosum =
Extreme aggressiveness liver – heart
Haughtiness adrenal – liver
Distress hypophysis – supraciliary
Anxiety cava =
Apathy parietal – frontal
Avaricia “Wallstreet” thymus – hypophysis
Character “David” interciliary – bulb
Jealousy “Linda” atlas – uterus, o prostate
Oedipus complex “Saturnino” navel – testicle
Electra complex “Trini” navel – uterus
Panic crisis armpit – armpit
Guilt “Judas” lung =
Depression pineal – hypothalamus
Dyslexia quadriceps =
Doubt back of hand =
Selfishness tongue – heart
Envy “Caín” heart – pancreas
Schizophrenia occipital =
Phobias kidney (left) – eye (left)
Hamer Focus mastoid (left) – kidney (left)
Gluttony stomach – heart
Hyperactivity body of pancreas – tail of pancreas
Hysteria eyebrow =
Hostility “Xcaret” postpineal =
Impatience “Sergio” thymus – ovary or testicle
Inspiration “Sor” Sylvian fissure =
Anatomical integrity “Vivian”: supraciliary – medulla oblongata
Intelligence, Intolerance: parathyroid – eye (left)
Irritability insomnia temporal (right) – temporal (left)
Explosive anger “Taliban” liver – heart
Lust “Sade” pineal – uterus o prostate.
Malignancy, witchcraft: ear – ovary (testicle)
Positive mind prefrontal cortex (left) =
Fear patella =
Mythomania heart – scapula
Negativity heart =
Nervousness temporal (right) =
Critical neurosis eyebrow =
Hate parathyroid – heart
Pride middle fissure =
Panic armpit =
Panic: spleen – hypothalamus
Mental problems foot arch =
Psychosis costohepatic =
Resentment heart – bladder
Pride adrenal – liver
Fetal suffering cava - thymus
Sadness lung – lung




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