

Evaluation 5


You have three attempts to solve this evaluation, the highest score will be used for the final average of the course. Choose the correct answer to each question.


Attempt: 1

Attempt: 1

Attempt: 1

Attempt: 2

Attempt: 1

1. They are innate and universal:

a) primary emotions

b) secondary emotions

c) all of the above

2. Recent studies consider that it is the most important aspect to achieve success and happiness

a) logical-mathematical intelligence (IQ)

b) emotional intelligence

c) kinesthetic intelligence.

3. Mandala (figure) that represents the 8 essential forces of nature, according to Chinese philosophy.

a) Yin-Yang

b) Pa-Kua

c) any of the above

4. In Chinese medicine winter is associated with

a) kidneys and fear

b) sadness and stomach

c) fire and liver

5. The psycho-emotional pairs of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán...

a) are applied when they appear in the general test

b) can be sought by bioenergetics when it is suspected that they may be necessary

c) all of the above

6. Can be applied to treat anger or rage


liver - heart


7. He developed a system for unlocking trapped emotions by "passing" with a single magnet.

a) Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán

b) Dr. Hamer

c) Bradley Nelson

8. Emotions can be "accumulated" by forming a "shell" of various (mental) materials

a) heart wall

b) energy blockage

c) any of the above

9. Chakra that governs the sexual organs

a) Muladhara, 1st chakra

b) Swadisthana, 2nd chakra

c) Manipura, 3rd chakra

10. Chakras can be tested...

a) through the pendulum

b) using the querent's legs and ankles

c) all of the above

11. It can even manifest as disgust and vomiting.

a) emotion of disgust

b) emotional blockage

c) euphoria

12.When its energy is unbalanced, it generates a mental state of concern and obsessive ideas.

a) pericardium

b) liver

c) spleen-pancreas.

13. Combining the 8 trigrams we get

a) the 8 basic elements

b) 64 hexagrams

c) the pairs of opposites

14. To the original 50 pairs of Dr. Goiz

a) he added many to it over a couple of decades.

b) many more have been added by other biomagnetists.

c) no more psychoemotional pairs have been found.

15. Psycho-emotional pair for lust

a) "Sade"

b) pineal - uterus, or prostate

c) any of the above

16. Can trapped emotions be inherited from parents, grandparents, uncles, or other relatives?



17. When two emotions are trapped in a single organ they are called

a) nested emotions

b) inherited emotions

c) prenatal emotions

18. Vijnamaya Kosha means

a) wrapper made of food

b) envoltura made of knowledge-wisdom

c) wrapper made of bliss

19. Energy channels according to Yoga

a) acupuncture meridians

b) Ida and Pingala

c) the chakras

20. It is recommended to combine the psycho-emotional pairs of Dr. Goiz with other techniques such as the emotion code, homeopathy...

a) never

b) It is left to the discretion of the therapist

c) in all cases


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