
Genetic disorders


Unit III Lesson 8

One of the most incredible achievements of bioenergetics is the ability to correct possible genetic disorders. Genetic manipulation no longer responds to pH balance, but to modification of DNA sequences and activation or suppression of expression of the human genome.

The human genome is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes, each containing hundreds of genes. The first 22 pairs are called autosomes and the last 23 pair is what determines sex: XX for women and XY for men.
Chromosomes are made up of DNA molecules. The DNA molecule consists of two strands that wind around each other like a spiral staircase. Each chain has a backbone in which a sugar (deoxyribose) and a phosphate group alternate. Each sugar is attached to one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). These four proteins form the "alphabet" or code where the instructions to form the cell and regulate its functioning are encrypted. The long DNA molecule can contain hundreds or thousands of genes, each with a package of instructions.
The DNA molecule is the same for all living organisms, at least all the ones we have studied on Earth. Whether it is a tree, an octopus, an elephant, a mushroom or a human; All living beings have genetic information encrypted in the DNA molecule. What changes is the sequence of the “letters” (amino acids) and the number of genes.
It is estimated that the human genome may contain about 20,000 genes spread over 46 chromosomes. However, there is no consensus on the exact number of genes that make up the human genome for various reasons. First, the methods that are used from one laboratory to another, which use computer models and very complex technology that yield different results. Another reason is the very definition of gene. If we define gene as that sequence, which through the RNA molecule can produce a protein, then there are only about 20,000 genes, as we already mentioned. However, about 18,000 others have been identified that have functions other than making proteins.

In addition, we have the "junk DNA" formed by most of the bases, which is not yet known if they have any function, or if they have only remained there in the molecule as a remnant of the evolutionary stages.
It has particularly intrigued scientists that the number of genes bears no relation to the complexity of the organism. There may be very elementary organisms with more than 100,000 genes while man, who is considered to be at the pinnacle of evolution, has only 20,000. There is no doubt that genetics is still a field with many surprises to discover.


From the beginning of the 21st century, a new branch of genetics called epigenetics began to develop, which literally means "beyond genetics". What has been discovered is that the DNA sequence and the genes themselves are just like a recipe book that has all the instructions for how the cell works. But, just as important as having the book, to decide which genes will be activated and which will be suspended. In other words, epigenetics studies how the body is capable of activating or deactivating genes according to the situations that are presented to the cell.
This is possible since the nucleus of the cell is made up of a variety of molecules that surround the DNA and are responsible for activating or deactivating genes. The interesting thing is that, according to the latest studies, the configuration of active or inactive genes that parents have, at the moment of conception, is the one that they inherit to their children, along with the genes.
In other words, if the parents have good habits such as good nutrition, exercise, etc.; then at the time of begetting your children, they will not only inherit your genes but also tell you which ones will be active. That is, if the parents have the aforementioned healthy habits, their children will inherit the information to activate the genes corresponding to that condition and lifestyle. While, in the opposite case, parents with vices and bad health habits will inherit to their children a sequence of active genes that will make their cells react, in advance, to adverse conditions such as the presence of toxic substances, excess fat, radicals free, pH imbalance, etc. Therefore, babies will be more prone to allergies, immune system disorders, metabolic disorders, systemic inflammation, and even aspects such as stress or emotional disorders, since emotions are nothing more than biochemistry and hormones.

Until now, there are no therapists who have handled epigenetics through bioenergetics, however, it is a field of work that promises good results. We provide this information so that biomagnetists are interested in delving into the study of epigenetics and thus have more tools to investigate the origin of many diseases, or conditions, which in this way can be inherited from parents to children.

Types of genetic disorders

Genetic disorders can be defined according to the following types:
Numerical disorder. When there is an abnormal amount of a chromosome as is the case with trisomy 21 or Down syndrome.
Structural disorder. When there is an alteration in the structure of the chromosome, in this case the genes are altered with duplications, deletions, inversions, displacements (translocations) or rings
Congenital mutation. The disorder is inherited from one or both parents; or, it occurs in the stages of gamete formation (egg or sperm); or in the early stages of embryo formation. As a result: all the cells of the organism present the mutation.
Mosaic mutation. It occurs in the course of the individual's life, as a result only some cells or tissues present the mutation. The mosaic type mutation occurs due to damage to the genome throughout life, either by pathogens, free radicals, or radiation. Cancer is often the result of these types of disorders.

Mariquita pair

The method to treat genetic disorders was discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán and is aided by a pair called “Mariquita”, apparently honoring Dr. Goiz's mother. In most books the pair is located at the sternum handle, or manubrium sternum, which is the joint where the clavicles meet the sternum. Some students claim that Dr. Goiz mentioned “interdigital membrane” which can appear between the fingers or toes, but as far as we know the pair is applied to the manubrium of the sternum.


We ask if there is any genetic disorder that can be treated in the session.
If the answer is affirmative, we place the negative magnet on the manubrium of the sternum and check if the leg responds (shortening or elongation). Then it goes inquiring for each chromosome:

  • chromosome 1
  • chromosome 2
  • chromosome 3 ...
  • up to chromosome 22
  • Next, we ask about the XX or XY chromosome, depending on whether it is a woman or a man.

If we find a shortening in any chromosome, we place the positive magnet next to the negative one and ask how many minutes of treatment. It is also important to order the body and the superconscious.
“Balance the chromosome (number) permanently.”
We can then repeat the protocol from the beginning to detect if there are any other chromosomes that require treatment. After the treatment time we can check if the chromosome has been balanced, again asking with bioenergetics.
In bioenergetics there are no protocols that must be strictly followed, this is the one we propose based on the teachings of Dr. Goiz, and taking into account the experiences of several colleagues. However, each one will be able, in practice, to find different methods that will be equally valid; as long as they bear fruit.
For example, there are those who say that it is enough to place the negative magnet on the point, and that it can be placed at the moment the chromosome with disorders is found. There are also those who apply the treatment using the Gen point (in the navel) with the negative pole, instead of using the sternum handle, obtaining equally good results.

When to apply the protocol

The protocol can be applied as an integral part of the biomagnetism session, especially when a person comes for the first time and especially if one suspects that the person's symptoms may be rooted in some kind of genetic disorder. From the outset, we know that there are diseases and syndromes that may be due to this condition, such as:

  • Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Huntington's disease
  • Duchne muscular dystrophy
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Hemophilia
  • Tay-Sachs disease
  • Trisomy of pair 18
  • Among many others…

Some disorders may be due to a combination of several factors such as genetic abnormalities, plus environmental factors such as cleft lip, heart defects, cleft palate or neural tube defects.
In addition, we must consider disorders acquired during life (mosaic type) in many cases degenerating into various types of cancer.:

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Leukemias …

Genetic disorders may have been inherited directly from one or both parents, who in turn may have these genetic defects in a recessive or overt form.
Or they can be due to environmental factors such as alcohol, medications, drugs, heavy metals such as lead or mercury, exposure to high levels of radiation, or certain infections (such as rubella). The fetus is more sensitive to this type of substance, called teratogenic, during the first three months of pregnancy.
By the way, that genetic disorders, as well as many other anomalies can be detected and treated in fetuses from the early stages of pregnancy thanks to bioenergetics, thus radically changing the life of the baby.
Many disorders are less obvious, or are rare and therefore poorly understood diseases. The biomagnetist will begin by applying the protocol and balancing the chromosomes that require it, hoping (with faith) for the improvement of the patient. Usually when we find an altered chromosome, we see that the symptoms or diseases of the person correspond to those caused by genetic disorders. In the Biomagnetic Guide we offer a whole series of articles where the most common disorders that have been found in each of the chromosomes are presented, so it is a very useful tool for the treatment of genetic disorders.

Complementary activity:

Review the Genetic disorders in the Biomagnetic Guide




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