
Immune system disorders


Unit III Lesson 5

The allergies

The immune system does not always work perfectly, sometimes it reacts disproportionately to substances that are not really harmful to the body, causing what we know as an allergic reaction. Allergies can be mild reactions, they can manifest on the skin as a rash, in the eyes, or in the respiratory tract as nasal congestion. Silent inflammation, which we have already studied in the previous section, is a type of immune system reaction very similar to allergic reactions, with similar mechanisms such as inflammation and increased temperature.

On some occasions, allergic reactions can present severe reactions of acute systemic inflammation that, in addition to the previous symptoms, affect all systems, such as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which, when inflamed, endanger the person's life. This is what is known as anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine administration can counteract the effects of inflammatory substances (histamines) generated by the immune system. In these cases, the person's life may be in danger. In biomagnetism the kidney – kidney pair can achieve a similar effect.
But, what is it that causes the immune system to get out of balance and have these types of allergic reactions? There are various factors such as genetic predisposition (hereditary); while others have to do with the development of the child's immune system from birth (or even before). A mother who has a body contaminated with toxins (cigarettes, alcohol, medications, junk food) is more likely to have a baby with an unbalanced immune system, since from the moment of the womb she is inheriting good or bad health.

Then comes the lifestyle. What kind of food does the baby have? The most recommended is natural feeding: at least the first 6 months of life, only breast milk, then various foods can be added. Milk is the first "vaccine" that the newborn receives, with which it begins to form its intestinal microbiota. These bacteria, which accompany us throughout life, have multiple functions such as helping to digest food, attacking other pathogenic bacteria, and helping the immune system to be able to identify "good" bacteria from "bad". Therefore, maintaining a good microbiota is vital for developing a good immune system, as well as for general health.
It is worth remembering the general recommendations: eat probiotics, eat more foods rich in fiber, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and avoid processed and animal foods. From a young age, get children used to eating healthily, avoiding saturated fats and excess sugar. From a young age, the child's palate can be educated to prefer healthy foods over harmful ones.

Autoimmune diseases

One more function that the immune system has is to eliminate the cells of our own body when they are damaged. Cell damage can be due to various factors such as being infected by a virus, having suffered a genetic mutation, showing signs of aging or any other type of damage. The immune system is capable of detecting the signals that tell it when to eliminate this type of cell. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (produced in the thymus) are responsible for recognizing senescent cells from “normal cells”.

Autoimmune diseases occur when the system is not able to make this distinction and attacks cells and tissues that are in good condition. As we already mentioned, the imbalance of the immune system, which manifests itself as silent inflammation, favors the different types of autoimmune diseases.
There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, let's review some of them:

  • Addison's disease, affects the adrenal glands.
  • Celiac disease (sprue) (gluten enteropathy).
  • Dermatomyositis, presents with muscle weakness and skin rash.
  • Graves' disease, produces hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the gland).
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis, produces hypothyroidism (deficit of activity).
  • Multiple sclerosis, affects the nervous system.
  • Type I diabetes, affects the pancreas, can be suffered from a young age.
  • Scleroderma, can affect various tissues causing inflammation.
  • Myasthenia graviss, affects the neuro-muscular system.
  • Pernicious anemia, disorder of the digestive system that prevents the absorption of vitamin B12
  • Reactive arthritis, affects the joints.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, also affects the joints.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, multisystemic, that is, it affects the entire body.
  • Type II diabetes, affects the pancreas (insulin production).
  • Sjogren's syndrome, affects salivary glands, lacrimal glands, among others.

For more information on these disorders, see the Biomagnetic Guide in the article autoimmune diseases.
Finally, let's see other important factors that favor the appearance of autoimmune diseases:

  • Cancer especially in the case of lymphoma, or bone marrow cancer.
  • Diabetes and other metabolic diseases decrease the capacity of the immune system.
  • Infections such as HIV-AIDS or any other pathogen, be it a virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite, etc. In general, any prolonged or chronic illness weakens the immune system
  • Malnutrition, since the body does not have the necessary elements: minerals such as calcium or vitamins such as complex B, vitamins C, D, E...
  • Stress, stress added to other factors such as poor sleep eventually cause various imbalances and undermine the health of the body, the immune system is one of the most affected under these conditions.
  • Drugs, some drugs can alter the immune response, especially immunosuppressants that are used to prevent organ transplant rejection, reduce allergic reactions or the effects of autoimmune disorders.
  • Chemotherapy greatly affects the response of the immune system.
  • Toxic substances: chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs...
  • Cow's milk and its derivatives.
  • Exposure to radiation, including radiation therapy, can affect the function of the immune system.
  • Kidney or liver disorders.
  • Old age since over time fewer white blood cells (particularly T-Lymphocytes) are produced and deficiencies in their structure and functions may also begin to appear.




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