
A turn of the spiral


Unit 2 Lesson 5

Biomagnetism and bioenergetics mark a watershed in the history of medicine, perhaps as radical as in his time the revolution of Copernicus who said that the Earth was not the center of the universe, but a planet revolving around the Sun; or quantum physics that in the 20th century broke the concepts on which what we call reality is based.
First in 1988 upon discovering the Biomagnetic Pair, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán opened a whole new branch of medicine operating from the energy plane through magnetic fields, with this new system medicine has taken a leap out of the physical plane into that had developed over the last few hundred years.
Starting in 1993, the practice of bioenergetics and shortly after, telebioenergetics took biomagnetism to an even more advanced level, which requires concepts closer to quantum physics than to traditional mechanistic science to understand it. That is why for most “scientific” minds it is difficult to take the “quantum leap” and accept what for the advanced biomagnetist is part of everyday life: mental diagnosis and remote treatment. That is why many people brand biomagnetism and bioenergetics as charlatanism, deception, trickery.
Just as in the Renaissance Galileo and Copernicus had to fight against the established ideas "the Earth is flat, and all the stars revolve around it". Partly a resistance caused simply by inertia, the comfort of staying within the framework of already established ideas. But also, largely due to the repression exerted by the Church; whose interests would be affected if a new truth began to germinate in the minds of humanity, which represented a threat to the power of the Church.
And now, in the 21st century, the circumstances are very similar. The revolution and the new paradigm started from the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in the 20th century. However, most people still see the universe from a materialistic and mechanistic point of view, even people educated in science. We see that a paradigm shift takes a long time. Now the institutions of power are the pharmaceutical industries, which are the ones that dictate what is good for health (drugs, vaccines, and expensive and invasive treatments) and they defend themselves against those who could jeopardize the sales of their products, such as acupuncture. , homeopathy, biomagnetism, reiki, etc. For which they orchestrate a global campaign to discredit and revile all these disciplines, some new such as biomagnetism, and others thousands of years old.
Evolution occurs in cycles that we can represent with the figure of the spiral. Humanity has completed a whole cycle, a turn of the spiral. Once again we find ourselves in a revolution, a great paradigm shift, a new renaissance and while Galileo Galilei said from his cell "... and yet it moves" referring to the movement of the earth; Dr. Goiz wisely said:

““Keep quiet and heal, time will prove us right.”




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